Monday, November 10, 2008

Friends Indeed

Our friends Kristin and Derek have decided to join us where we'll be working, in Dehradun, for 2 weeks in march. We are totally pumped!

Dehra Dun is the capital of the north Indian state of Uttarakhand, located about 250 kilometres north east of Delhi.

Travel to Dehra Dun takes about six hours on a comfortable day train, or an overnight train journey.


(picture from

By the way, if you haven't checked out our links on the side yet, please do so. On Latikaroy's website is also "Jo's Blog". She's the woman who started the school I'll be working at, and always has some great insights about the culture of her community, and around the world.

1 comment:

Joshua Grace said...

so cool that they will be out there too!