Saturday, December 27, 2008

Home for the Holidays

Will and I are spending as much time with our families as we can this holiday, as we will not be seeing them for almost 6 months. We've designated a larger chunk to Will's side, as we don't get to see them as often as my parents. Spending time with the in-laws is always very relaxing for me. Their home is consistently cozy and peaceful, full of boardgames, and accompanied by large sit down meals made by my fabulous mother-in-law . It's also super fun to watch Will with his brothers. Their comrodery and playful nature is a joy to watch in action, as they cheer each other on in rousing competitions of video games and living room wrestling matches. Grown men, imagining themselves back to their boyhood play's a joy to watch Will relax with his family, and I'm honored to be a new part of this scene.

As for my lovely sibling, she is sadly snowed in, in Seattle. I am missing her very much. Often we need to share her with her own in-laws, but we plan for that every year. This years absence was unplanned, and a significant loss is felt by my family, and by her husbands as well, I'm sure. Thankfully, I did get to see my dear sissy this past October, and I'm glad we spent as much time together as we could.

At this point, Will and I are just 4 weeks away from heading over to India. Our Visa's have been filled out, and we are only in need of our pictures to send them out. This will be happening on Monday. This past week we also got in touch with an agent to help us plan our open ended tickets, and hope to hear more news of that this week.

Along with these things, we have raised just about all of our money- THANKS TO ALL WHO PITCHED IN! We also found a lovely gal named Jessica to rent out bedroom while Will and I are gone, helping us cut back on our costs in the states.

Things are falling into place, really easily I must say. I think God is being especially gracious in this area to me. Although I have some anxieties about my new experiences over in India, God seems to be making things very easy for us here at home, which makes an all around feeling of peace possible.

Thanks to all for your regular prayers and support. A special thanks to Joshua and David who regularly comment on my blog. I look forward to your comments every time I post.

I've been encouraging Will to post the next blog, and he swears he has 3 half written. So, keep an eye out for his thoughts coming soon.
Peace to all in this coming new year.


Joshua Grace said...

awesome. it was a lot of fun to be with you two the other night!

Anonymous said...

So glad you and Will have had a nice time for the holidays. It sounds like a wonderful family. Looking forward to seeing you both again soon. In the meantime, many blessings, d