Sunday, February 1, 2009

also, for you fans of CSI Miami

Honestly, I don't think I've ever seen the show (any of the CSI's), but if you watch on Monday night, there should be at least a little bit of Saxon Shore audio on there. I'm sure I won't see it here, so let me know how it is...

With regard to other tv that I won't be watching (at 4:30 am), go Steelers! Today I met an old guy from Pittsburgh and he gave me a hard time about the Eagles not making it to the Super Bowl. So I gloated about the Phillies. I'll be riding that one out for a while. (Until this October - Repeat!)

Anyway, hi from India. We met our first cow on the street last evening. She came right up and stared at us as we hopped into our auto-rickshaw. Obviously, she recognized us as newbies...

1 comment:

Joshua Grace said...

go phils!

that's awesome that the shore is gonna be on tv!