Monday, April 20, 2009

Computer Crash

Well Folks,
we're not sure what happened but our laptop is on the fritz. Half of my photos were lost (thank goodness I've been making posts on the blog as back up for some!), and several of our documents are now missing. Most of the damage seems to be on my side under my log in. We aren't sure if it's the heat, the hundreds of photos we've got saved, or a virus, but Will is using every trick he knows to fix things. Mean while we have bought a hard drive to back things up on in the future, and there is a computer place that does data recovery should we need it.

Because we won't have our own laptop to use for a while, posting pictures may be slow for a bit. But, we're hopeful that things will resume to their normal state quickly, and our friends at Latika Roy have been great about me using their computer until our laptop is back in order- Thanks Priyam!

In other news, I finally decided to do something about my stomach as it's been acting funny for about 4 weeks now, and am currently on antibiotics to fix things. 1 weeks supply of two drugs came to 25 rupees, which is the equivilant to 50 cents in the states. At first I was like "WOW!", but Will and I have been reading a book called "Everyone loves a good drought" that reminds me of the fact that most rag pickers here make about 30 rupees a week. Puts things in perspective a bit....
Hope to be posting soon.

Love to all,



Jonny Rashid said...

Good luck with your computer difficulties.

lover mother said...

i hope you start feeling better. uuug. stomach problems are the worst.

Joshua Grace said...

i take comfort in these moments in will's stache!