Sunday, April 5, 2009

A post about me. How nice!

So, Jo wrote about me a few weeks ago. I thought I was pretty good at keeping up on her blog, but as I was skimming down her history of posts today I saw one about me! It puffed me with pride of course to see such nice things written about me, and to have affirmation of the work I am doing here. Check it out if you want " Lauren Stichter and Her Bag Full of Tricks". Thanks to Jo for taking the time to write such lovely things and an extra thanks to my mother-in-law Connie who was on top of things enough to comment on Jo's post the day after she put up the article;-)

*Picture stolen from Jo's blog.


Unknown said...

Lauren - you're related to Laura Ingalls Wilder? That's so cool! - Angela

Lauren Stichter said... our family history says