Sunday, March 22, 2009

Off to the Taj

Hey Family & Friends,
Will is home safe and sound, he even surprised me and made it home a day early. Some highlights from Will's trip:
-At one point the wheel literally fell off the car while they were driving, in the upper Himalayas. (I did not enjoy getting this information while he was still away.)
-Fish stew (all parts of the fish were included).
-Sleeping in the village school near Chayinda Saur.
-Being invited to his new buddies wedding in May.
-Hiking down upper Himalayan Valleys to pick bugs off of rocks in some source tributaries of the Ganges.
-Seeing the amazing resourcefulness of communities living on the most remote cliff edges.

This week is spring break for the schools of Latika Roy, so Will, Andy and I headed off to check out the "Golden Triangle". This consists of heading down to Delhi, and then over to Agra and Jaipur. So we get to see the sprawling urban city, the Taj, and the desert. We left this morning at 5am to take a bus to Delhi where we met our friend CJ. CJ took us to a cafe called The Big Chill, which offered some yummy comfort foods from the states without feeling like a huge chain restaurant. After that we headed over the Dilli Haat to do a little shopping and then headed back to our posh rooms at the Godwin Grande. Tomorrow we head out to Old Delhi for a little site seeing.

That's it for now;-)


S. and J. Hoke said...

CJ has made some great site seeing choices. you're getting a good taste without all the fuss. i hope you have a great time. Julie Alliyah and i are doing well on our trip. much love

Anonymous said...

So happy you're both back together. you must've been so freaked out by the tire thing! dag, i know i would've been. and now you both get to go exploring together again. your trip is so amazing.

so much love,


Anonymous said...

It is so exciting to see and hear about your journey! Today the 7th & 8th graders will be sending you messages.Enjoy your adventures.
Stephanie Michniewicz

oliverio said...

looks like you guys are having an awesome time! now, time to start blogging about important stuff like posting pictures of food!!! :)