Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Will and I got a driver for the day and headed out to Rishikesh this past Saturday. On our way we saw lots of monkeys waiting to cross the road, and were excited to see some of the more rural areas surrounding Dehra Dun. Our driver pointed out some sites such as the new airport being constructed and the road to Gangaotri, which is the holy city near the start of the Ganga (Ganges) river. Upon arriving in Rishikesh we met up with our friends Tiffany and Kosta for one last hang time before they head to Nepal. We spent much of our day hanging out in cozy little cafes, checking out local religious sites, walking along the river and doing a little shopping. Throughout the day we also periodically caught up with Tiffany and Kosta’s friend Naveen who shared stories of the local history and religious practices revolving around the great Ganga. We ended the evening with a ride on the back of Naveen’s motorcycle (super fun!) through the town and up the hill to The Swiss Guest house for a late dinner of Tandoori chicken-delicious!


walkingontravels said...

so is the water the ganga? Is will sticking his feet in the ganga river? How cool!

Lauren Stichter said...

Yup,that's the Ganga! and it's pretty clean because we are so close to the mouth of it. What was even more surprising was the white sandy beaches.

wgkealey said...

Those are some great pictures, and make me nostalgic for my trip. Looks awesome!

Also, I bid on a house around the corner, Emerald and Firth. I'll keep you posted.

Joshua Grace said...

that bridge looks amazing@

Unknown said...

What do you teach in India?
How long do you take travel to India from Philadelphia?