Saturday, March 14, 2009

A trip & A Dog

Hey Everyone,
Will is heading up into the mountains with a group from PSI to do some water sample collecting. He left this morning and will be gone for a week. Keep his safety in your prayers. Our friend Andy B. decided to stay for an extra week, which makes me feel a bit safer staying in the house without Will around. We do have lots of lovely friends who offered to put me up though;-) and Andy and I plan to get as many free dinners out of them as we can.

Also, a few of you have been asking about the dog. We found out that it's a girl and have started to call her Lassi (sounds like the dog star from the states and means yogurt drink with fruit and spices here...which is Lassi's coloring). We have found a home for her! and will be handing Lassi over in about 3 weeks when her new owner moves into his new house. We are grateful to have her until then. The kids behind us have started playing with Lassi, which is nice, and admittedly we let her sneak in once in a while when we're home to try and housebreak her a bit. Lassi has been good though, after a short whimper or two, to be sent back outside for the night or when we are not at home.

That's the quick update from here.
Much rest and peace to you all over your weekend,


Anonymous said...

i am totally transmitting telepathic love to you from my cubicle right now.

walkingontravels said...

Oh sad :-( Does this mean I'm not getting the dog as a birthday present? Glad Andy can stick around and hang out with you while Will's gone. MISS YOU!!!

Joshua Grace said...

sounds like a great solution

Jan said...

Hey Lauren:

I had been wondering about the dog since I read your blog a couple of weeks ago!
Glad to hear that she's going to a new home.

Jan VanGorden