Sunday, June 28, 2009

Heading Home

Well folks, it's hard to imagine but we are at the end of our travels. Will and I are currently in Frankfurt Germany getting ready to take a morning flight back to the states. Will and I are eager to see our families and get back to our own bed. We'll be writing a reflection piece later over the next few days, and then that will be it!
Thanks for all of the prayers that are getting us safely home.
Love and blessings to you all,
Lauren & Will


sus said...

Welcome home!
I've delighted in every word, project and picture. Thanks for sharing this totally awesome experience with your readers.
In Love and Light,
Sus (PSD)

Unknown said...

It's been a great trip - thanks for the pictures and commentary. Welcome home!

jerseygrl said...

i'm gonna miss this blog


david said...

very much looking forward to seeing you both, and catching up. i'm sure i'm not alone in this, so it may take some time before our paths cross, but know that i am so glad you went and have now returned. you are a blessing everywhere you go.

peace, david

postscript: you guys did a great job capturing your travels for the rest of us back here. thanks for sharing all that you have. p, d

Chicu said...

hey..hope you are safe back home. But what happens next blog-wise? don't end it! it's been lovely reading..and surely you have adventures at home too?